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"Man's Search for Meaning"


Sunday, March 4, 2018

10:00 AM-5:00 PM

150 West 28th Street
Suite 1104

New York, NY


Workshop Leader:
Rabbi Irwin Katsof



A One-Day Core Energetics Workshop for Men


I am sixty-two years old and a father of eight and grandfather of eighteen.I worked as a Rabbi for twenty-five years and as an Investment Banker and Business Consultant for the last twelve years.

In 2012, I realized I had many of the trappings of success- a beautiful home, a good income, great vacations, a high-end luxury car, and some fame and recognition, but something deep was lacking in my life.

I had it all according to society,but felt lonely, empty and bored. This started me on a journey which has taken me thru Jungian analysis, Psychodrama,Homeopathy,meditation,trauma treatment and ultimately to Core Energetics, a somatic psychotherapy.

I am finishing my fourth year at the N.Y. Institute of Core Energetics and am a practitioner in training.

Thru this deep work,I have rediscovered my true self: my soul and my spirituality. I have found my "heart" which I lost along the way and have discovered the pathway to connect with others in a deep, profound and meaningful way.

I believe in sharing my journey and struggle and together we can open up to new possibilities as we confront our pain, fears and our aspirations to be different and become whole.

I love working with groups and believe deeply in the healing power of  group work.It is my hope to bring this passion and energy to our work together in "Man's Search for Meaning".


About Me

To Reach in and reach out

Join us in our search for meaning as Men​


Our hopes and struggles

Our courage & yearning

Our secret and not-so-secret insecurities & fears

Pre-Registration Discount

Prior to February 15:$50

After February 15:$75

Pay via Paypal or




What is Core Energetics?​

Developed by John Pierrakos, MD., Core Energetics is a marriage of Body Psychotherapy and Spiritual Development. The work brings consciousness to how we block our energy and recreate defense patterns adapted in childhood that keep us limited and dis-empowered.

Core Energetics is life-changing work which opens us to the fullness of our life-force, opens our heart, grounds us in the strength and integrity of who we really are, and supports us in bringing forth our unique gifts as we engage more responsibly with the world around us.

(credit: NY Institute of Core Energetics)










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